Because I will #launch two books, once my cover is ready, I am posting ways that I could use your support. My cover is being developed by an artist in Australia whose work I love (isn't the internet wonderful for connecting). One book is a #Christian nonfiction about marital relationships (#Women Talk, #Men Walk: #Keep Your Man Connected, God Tells How & Hormones Tell Why) and the other is a Christian fiction (#The Socialite) that's a combination love story and mystery that occurs in Little Rock. The supportive article below was written by
Be More Than
a Reader: How to Support your Favorite Authors
Read any good books lately? I'll bet you have. What did you
do afterwards? Sigh in satisfaction, put it on the shelf, and hope that another
one as good comes along? There are so many books in the world, but finding a
good one can sometimes be elusive. So when a good one comes along, why not
return the favor to the author who took the time and trouble to entertain or
educate you by supporting them. There are a number of ways you can do this --
some very simple -- and all would result in a grateful author who would
hopefully be encouraged to do more writing.
1. Host a #Book Launch
Invite every person on your email
list to a book launch party. Invite them a couple of weeks before the set date
and send a reminder the day before. Send post card invitations to others. It’s
more fun than giving a shower because you aren’t asking friends to bring a gift.
You are only asking that they stop by
and meet an Author you support. You or the Author will furnish small
refreshments, give guests a token for coming (such as a book mark with the
book/author’s picture on it) and enjoy chatting with friends you may not have
seen in some time. There is no pressure for them to purchase the book, but it
is available if they want a signed copy. If the Author’s book is also an ebook,
perhaps the Author will offer a discount to those attending. Once a crowd
gathers, introduce the Author and let the Author read the first chapter or a
mini-section from the book. A book launch party provides the maximum support
for a new Author. You are helping the Author get his/her name and book in front
of others.
2. #Buy the Book
At the risk of sounding obvious, if you know a book is going to be good -- a
keeper -- buy it. Don't borrow it or lend it. If someone else wants to read it
based on your recommendation and you feel so inclined, buy them a copy as a
3. Like The Book
"Like" and "follow" them on social media. When you do, your
contacts can see what you are reading, and it gives the Author more exposure.
4. Visit Their Website
If they have an Author website, they have put a lot of time and thought into
it, and it didn't appear there for free even though you don't pay a dime to
look at it. If they post a blog or newsletter subscription, sign up. It's very
encouraging to them, and you might enjoy the occasional emails they send you.
Also, if they invite commentary on their blogs, write a comment. Even
"Interesting article, thanks," is encouraging. Again, they took the
time and trouble, and it feels good to know someone cares.
5. #Review The Book
Goodreads is one of the most popular book review sites, and many authors
interact on the site. Go to Amazon and review the book. Reviews influence sales. Amazon and Barnes
and Noble, the two largest online booksellers, rank books by a number of
factors, including the number of customer reviews a book received. Even a simple
line and an appropriate assignment of stars is appreciated. 
6. Post Pictures Holding their Book
Authors love to see people with their books. It's what they live for. Go ahead,
post your picture holding their book on Facebook and send them a copy. Why not
leave a copy laying on your desk at work? It might get noticed and commented
on. #Talk about the book. Bring the book
or the Author up as a topic of conversation; at work, at lunch, at parties,
while riding the train or the bus or any other social situation. Word of mouth has always been the Author's
best friend. No amount or type of marketing is more direct or persuasive than
"I just read this book, you have to read it."
7. Do a YouTube Video Review
Okay, this one's for extra credit. Not everybody can or will -- but if you do
have it in your heart to post a video/commentary about a book on YouTube, it's
a BIG WOW. (and thanks)
8. Write in the Book
This is a personal favorite -- or maybe a personal quirk -- but when I read
something that speaks to me or just sounds beautiful, I underline it. Sometimes
I write in the margins. I might put a star or smiley face. If it's something I
want to remember, something meaningful, writing in the book makes it stick and
easy to refer back to. To me, when I find a used book that's been written in, I
know it was loved, and I want to own that book. Even writing your name in cursive
and the date on the inside page personalizes it and says you care. It's a
beautiful touch that any author would be proud to see.
If you gain one pearl of wisdom or a small chuckle or shed a
tiny tear when reading a book, do more than just sigh. Take a next step.