A huge thanks to all of you who purchased my books.
All of my doctor offices purchased some. Longhills Dental bought one for every
woman working there and then sent me a thank you note. Wow.
What’s surprising is how many
men tell me they are reading it, liking it, and recommending it to others.
Thanks fellows!
If you purchased one from
Amazon, Books a Million, Apple, or Barnes and Noble, please, please go back
into their website and leave a review.
Reviews definitely count a lot. However, if you purchased one directly
from me, none of the places will let you leave a review. They say too many were
trying to leave them without ever buying a book anyplace.
I’m now working on a book
about prayer and how God always wants to tell us, “YES.” It’s going slow as I have
so much to learn.
Thanks again for you support.