Women save points for
the small things a husband does, but she gives them a lower value than a husband thinks
they are worth. Then she inflates points
with each hurt, disappointment, or annoyance, probably much more than she should. Regularly, she subtracts her man’s negative
points from his positive points and many men end up in debt. . . deep debt.
Fellas, let me share a few of the
ways that a woman rates you.
NEGATIVES: She asks, “Do I look fat in this?” (-5) There is no answer you can give that won’t
cost you points. If you hesitate before
answering (-10). If you ask, “Where?” (– 35).
You develop a potbelly (-15). You
wear baggy jeans so your undershorts occasionally show when you bend over
(-30). You say, “My belly is no worse than yours” (-500). You
offer to take her to dinner and go through a drive-thru window (-10). You ask her to go to a movie without telling
her you bought tickets for “Men in Black" (-35). You fall asleep when she
wants to talk about something that to her is a serious problem (-100). You make the bed but forget the decorative
pillows (-2). You walk away and leave
her alone at a party (-5). You go talk
to another woman for longer than 3 minutes (-25). The woman is pretty and single (-40). You buy
an impersonal gift for a female friend of her’s while on vacation without buying her
something nicer (-40). Fellas, it’s not
being thoughtful of her friends, it’s putting another woman ahead of her. Shame.
Make that a -75
POSITIVES: You crawl
out of bed and go downstairs during the night because she heard a noise
(+3). You find nothing (+0). You take her to dinner on her birthday – to a
place she really likes (+10). You go see
a movie about relationships and say you enjoyed it (+15). You change the TV to a love story in the middle of the game (+25). You sit facing her and look into her eyes
when she wants to talk (+5). You say, “Un-hun, Oh-ooo” as she tell you her concern
(+2). You say, “I am sorry this hurts
you.” (+25). You ask what you can do to
make things better – and follow through, doing what she says (+40). You load or unload the dishwasher or washing
machine/dryer (+1). Remember it’s your dirty dishes and clothes
too. You bring her flowers or a nice
card (+5). You write her a love note,
telling her all the things you love about her (+100). The note is handwritten and mailed (+400).
Okay, fellas, now you know
how to earn points and come out ahead.
Are you known for following advice?
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